2024 Annual Update of Gregory-Portland Air Quality
The air quality in the Gregory-Portland area remains excellent in comparison to other Texas cities based on the first four years of continuous air quality monitoring at the three community air monitoring stations. Gregory-Portland air quality ranks in, or very close to, the top 10% of the best air quality in Texas compared to data measured at the 40 monitors operated or funded by TCEQ across the state. You may access more detailed measurement data on the following pages.
Website Purpose
Cheniere Energy and Gulf Coast Growth Ventures (GCGV) sponsored the establishment and maintenance of three air-monitoring stations in the Gregory-Portland area. The leadership of the Gregory-Portland Independent School District (Gregory-Portland ISD) recognized the need for a single website to host, report and provide analyses of the data from all three stations. This website serves that purpose and provides... Continue Reading a single location to report the data that is publicly accessible, easy to use and easily understood.
The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) was hired to design and maintain this website and to provide periodic independent analyses of the air monitoring data. UT Austin is also responsible for ensuring that only measurement data obtained using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) federal reference or equivalent methods and instrumentation approved for air quality monitoring are reported on the website. This includes employing quality assurance protocols that ensure the data meet or exceed EPA's requirements for air quality monitoring.

Website Focus Group
To ensure the website's usefulness and ease of use by the Gregory-Portland community, UT Austin convened a focus group composed of Gregory-Portland area residents, nominated by Cheniere and GCGV, to provide input into the design of the website and its content.
The focus group reviewed and selected preferred formats to display and explain data and then specified preferences for the website's content and organization to best facilitate an understanding of the air monitoring data, analyses and other relevant information.
The UT Austin project team greatly appreciates the work of the focus group. The table in this section lists the members of the focus group.
Name |
Position |
Troy Bethel |
City Council, Portland |
Randy Cain |
City Council, Ingleside on the Bay |
Brandi Dickey |
Gregory-Portland ISD |
Amelia Flores |
Parks & Recreation Board, Gregory |
Ron Jorgensen |
Portland Resident & Regional Health Awareness Board |
Bob Lacy |
HOA Officer, Portland |
Rudy Rivera |
Gregory Resident |
Kristina Zambrano |
City Council, Gregory |
This air monitoring program, including the establishment, operation, and maintenance of the air monitoring stations and the public website, is funded by Cheniere Energy and GCGV at the request of and for the benefit of the Gregory-Portland community. The air-monitoring stations are located on Gregory-Portland ISD property through an agreement with Gregory-Portland ISD.
The website team would also like to express our thanks to Abeer Abdelrahim, MPH and James Mobley, MD, MPH, FAAFP for their assistance in providing the health effects definitions used in this website.
Credits for Photographs
In using photographs from this page, photo credits should be given to Roy Peña, The University of Texas at Austin.
Give Us Feedback
Users of the website are also encouraged to offer their thoughts and suggestions of any relevant content or analyses that should be added to the website by contacting the UT Austin Website Team.